Fabien Vallos: Paratge

28 October–16 December 2023

OPENING: Friday 27 October from 6pm


The exhibition Paratge by Fabien Vallos will present 15 years of banquet practice as “social sculpture” in the form of an archive-image installation.

It will be accompanied by a catalogue of 30 critical texts. The exhibition is produced in collaboration with the artist Dieudonné Cartier. Paratge is made with works and multiples of: Grégoire d’Ablon, A Constructed World, Margaux Bonopera, Théophile Calot, Dieudonné Cartier, Mattéo Crespino, Rodrigue de Ferluc, Juliette George, Ben Kinmont, Noémie Koxarakis and Aurélie Pétrel.

Paratge is a medieval Occitan concept that assumes a principle of equality both class and gender. It is a political and poetic concept.

During the duration of the exhibition, 4 banquets by reservation will be organized: November 10 and 24, December 2 and 15.

Installation Views

On this occasion, the Traverse is pleased to announce the release of the book: L’Inventaire gourmand de la Méditerranée.

Fabien Vallos signs a bible of more than 2200 recipes all tested, highlighting this incredible gastronomic heritage. The book is published by Les Éditions Marabout and will be available at La Traverse from October 27, throughout the exhibition. Pre-order your signed copy now and pick it up at La Traverse during the opening.


Villa Paradis


Joseph Cornelius: Shift